Monday, August 9, 2010

How Much Scope Mouth Wash Is Unsafe


goes on sale today across the country the new 2010 Book Values, which is called Our Values. The party of Mexico. A book full of surprises through legends, fables and tales Mexican relive historic events well known customs, traditions and character of our country, in order to reflect upon what they have been, are and should be the values \u200b\u200bin our daily life. A book full of positive messages to help educate children happy and complete, because all the positive things we plant in them today will bear fruit in the not too distant families and stronger communities and, ultimately, a better Mexico.

I personally was an unforgettable experience having worked on this project. I thank and dedicate this book to my loved ones my wife and children, my parents, my brothers, my family and friends as they have helped and motivated in my profession. Thank also José Ignacio Aldama and Fundación Televisa team for giving me the confidence to back this project. Thanks to my two collaborators Edgar Camacho and Jonathan Rose for their support, thanks to Ducky Inc. and its members for giving me a comfortable working space.
But mostly I dedicate this book to all children who will surely be a positive message that will be like a seed in him, I hope you enjoy!