Monday, December 26, 2005

Late Period And Increase Of Cervical Mucus

that I have received a mail from a friend, read it a long time that I had not laughed so much, lol, although ;-)
everyone likes

Within all ... New Year, eh? What stress! New Year's Eve I feel ... I feel ... I do not know, I feel like a bull, right? When it's party looked around and I get the feeling that everyone is having a good, but me. Stress begins with dinner. That looks like a Grand Prix test:
You have to take red underpants, having some gold to get him into Lacopo, prepare the twelve grapes ... And tell them several times, because, as are all the same, you're wrong:
- One, two, three, four ... one, two, three, four, five, six ... This pocha and I told ... One, two ... seven, eight ... Hell, twenty twelve! Buck, bring the Rotring, which I shall number, as in the Bingo!
And your mother
- Will you come, they cool the shrimp?
That this is different: you have to eat everything on the table ... And before midnight!, Whereas, in the rush, rather than peeling shrimp, looks like you're defusing a bomb.
- Damn, the twelve least ten! Mom, I do not have time: make me a sandwich with pork, which is already finished Cruz y Raya!
And you're the only one who is overwhelmed, eh? No more than watching TV. There are Ana Obregon and Ramon Garcia, explaining how it works all over Spain a clock. Scared shitless if they are wrong:
- When the second hand is on twelve and great too .. shall be twelve. Damn, like every night!
- And then the ball will drop y. .. then come the quarters, will not start to eat the grapes, eh?
Let's see: we explain why a thousand times that we eat the grapes in the rooms and nobody tells us why the hell has to drop a ball? What kind of watch is that? When they finally arrive
twelve, in Spain you hear the same thing:
Cla, cla, cla, cla ... is the ball: cla, cla, cla ...
Din-don ...
- Oh no, they are the rooms!
Din-don ...
- Spitting are the rooms!
Din-don ...
- Pfbbbbbbbb ... What are what?
Din-don ...
- The rooms ...
Ton ...
- Now, now!
Ton ...
- A!
- No, we're on the second!
Ton ...
- Then I get two ...
Ton ...
- Six ...
- What do you mean six?
Ton ...
- Me no longer fit me more, eh?
Ton ..
- Hey, leave my grapes, you bastard!
Ton ...
- is that I've dropped one down!
Ton ...
- Bgrfds ...
Ton ...
- Bggggdffffff ...
Ton ...
- to me and I have no ...
Ton ...
- Bgggggdffffff ....
- Well, I left over four!
Ton ...
- Bfgggggggg, grounfffffff ...
And when finished, the whole family with a mouthful of spit, to give kisses:
- Happy New Year, eeeeeeeeeh, congratulations, grfdddfd ...
And the phone rings: riiiiiiiiiing!
- But hell! Already they are calling? Would not you expect?
- Well, I'm still on two ...
- Champagne, someone to open the Champagne!
But, well, you it seems logical to start the year as well? What stress
, really! But as New Year's Eve ... have the obligation to have fun. So after you go to a megaparty a place where, if they fit a thousand people, the owner has decided to put five thousand two hundred. Very good! Four thousand two hundred more than fit!
Stay on the street if you like, with the bald that t is falling! yes you enter. The good thing about going to a place so you can go either way.
to me last year I thought of everything. I was so calm, taking my cubatita of jug, when suddenly a guy behind me grabbed me and said,
And, of course, you're going to do, then tepones to dance ... That makes you an uncle in the bus and over the face! But as New Year's Eve ... ! For hala! And suddenly you turn around and take a hundred people hooked on your ass.

to see how escape from it! Because a conga is like a cult: it is very easy to enter but exit is very screwed. Because the casino is about twelve congas spinning at full speed ...
Well, I was driving my conga ... on my right, when suddenly, I see coming in the opposite direction suicide scrotumtightening a conga led by a fat guy with Viking helmet. I was going to burst, but as the congas not have no lights or anything ... Therefore, to avoid the collision, took a sharp turn to the right ... And I swallowed whole column of mirrors!
Total loss!
Twelve minor injuries and a shattered mirrors column. And I, with an eyebrow open on the floor I thought, shit!
And those, I fainted. Waking
was in the emergency room, surrounded by all my conga. Some still had not esenganchado, had been running behind the ambulance.
Well, the emergency room on New Years Eve, we must live them. If the room takes fifty people, the owner has got a hundred and fifty ... As the club. And there is also New Year's Eve, the orderly Moor wearing a hat, nurse Hawaiian necklace and you sew the eyebrow Dracula teeth, gives you confidence ... ! The guy says,
- What happened? With a motorcycle?
- No, with a conga.
- Ah, if they are going like crazy with the congas ...
When I left there I wanted to go home, but it was New Year's Eve, I ended up at eight o'clock with the eyebrow stitched in a bar ...
- Hey, gimme a chocolate with churros.
- Well, we just Nesquick and some Donus ... Is that the latter is the churros have taken a conga, brought a joke ...! There was a fat man wearing a viking helmet ... I do not say more! And that's what I tell clients: if you do not enjoy New Year's Eve, when are you going to enjoy?


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