Thursday, March 31, 2011

How To Connect Pc5750

Internet Image taken

Reflect insubstantiality while driving way to the office. In the distance, a flock of seagulls hovering over the sea. The look with revulsion. Never liked seagulls.

Stops when el semáforo se pone en rojo. Lleva el primer coche de una larga cola de vehículos, todos a sus espaldas, todos en la procesión matutina hacia los trabajos.

De pronto, una gaviota inmensa aparece en el cristal frontal de su automóvil y lo picotea con saña. Él cree que la gaviota romperá el cristal y lo atacará. Siente cómo la alarma se dispara en su interior.

Justo cuando más asustado se encuentra, el semáforo cambia a la luz verde y, con la velocidad, espanta a la terrible gaviota asesina.

Cuando se empieza a recuperar del susto, la misma gaviota embiste de nuevo el cristal frontal de su coche e intenta destrozarlo, aun cuando él circula a cincuenta kilómetros por hora.

Conquistado por el pánico en cada partícula de su ser, intenta evitar un accidente, pero no recuerda nada, sólo que la gaviota venció al cristal y que nunca le gustaron las gaviotas.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Heraklit Złymi świadkami


it going this week, here a horrible cold again, go to the spring has begun as well ,.... will remember if you saw the previous entry chocolate with orange, lol ... I teach you a little bad a preview of another cake, CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRIES, ... I like chocolate with strawberries ??... 've ridden a pendant with various mixes of suede lace, metal and glass beads as you see, do you like? then I made a bracelet, which this time look more, with his piece of cake also, of course, and earrings to complete a set .. is not it sweet?
and finally another breakthrough ,....... TO BE??
who believe it can be? I see tell me what you think .... good abrigaos, these days, kisses

Piano Part Sheet Music Mountains Biffy Clyro


Vista aérea de San Sebastián
(Imagen tomada de internet)

Me despertó con su voz chillona. Descorrí las cortinas y los cristales adoptaron un matiz grisáceo, fantasmagórico: apenas había amanecido. Más allá of them and their cold wet, I saw the shadows, also gray, but heavy and solid-buildings across the street. It was eight o'clock.

still half asleep, I looked at Edurne. He went from here to there. Put the finishing touches on luggage.

"You're going to cool the coffee," he said.

In the kitchen, the day grew like a ghost stretches. I watched the invasion of light in the last possessions of the gloom within a few minutes, clearly raised like a horse gallop from the bowels of the earth to the sky innermost cache. It was eight and twenty.

Edurne begged me to hurry.

In the shower, thought I was about to do something stupid, but I countered: "So to make a precise stupidity is wisdom." But go with Edurne wisdom was traveling when she was tired of her and her rampage, when all I wanted was to end the relationship unilaterally vampire?

As I dressed, I decided no getting around the issue. I know what to say when he thought fit Edurne, perhaps in San Sebastian.

At nine o'clock, got in the car. At quarter past nine, we went to Madrid.

I stretched my legs and sighed. Edurne smiled. The sun warmed my right arm. It was a good day. If not spoiled by the North ... Cautious, we had umbrellas. In the peaks of the distant mountains, the snow was kept as a white hat and ice cream. The people of the valleys were as-white flecks scattered in the distance. On mornings like this, always concluded that the universe seemed to have an order, an inner beauty, harmony inviolable.

A ten-ten, we stopped to put gas in Somosierra. We take and take a coffee with milk.

- Want to drive? Edurne he asked.

I said no. In the end, was glad. She likes to drive and his offer was nothing more than a mere courtesy.

"Let well. With a little luck, we eat in Donostia.

nodded. She likes to set goals and objectives, feeling victorious with everyday challenges.

A ten-thirty, we left Somosierra. In less than five minutes entramos en la provincia de Segovia.

–¡Segovia! –suspiró Edurne.

–Sí, Segovia. –concedí con indolencia.

En Segovia nos conocimos Edurne y yo. Fue durante el verano pasado, en un fin de semana luminoso y pletórico. Las dos habíamos huido de Madrid y de sus ajetreos. Después de coger una habitación en el hostal de siempre, muy cercano a la Plaza Mayor, salí a pasear. Iba por el Azoguejo cuando tropecé con ella. Me excusé mientras ella reía y le quitaba importancia al percance. A continuación, seguimos cada una por nuestro camino. Al rato, entré a comer en un célebre restaurante de la calle Real. Al fondo del comedor, vi a Edurne, sola. Me hizo una seña y me acerqué con paso tímido. No tuve ningún reparo en compartir con ella la mesa y la comida. Sin saber cómo, salimos del restaurante nimbadas con una halo de complicidad. Nos acercamos hasta su hotel y zanjó su cuenta. Se venía a dormir a mi hostal, mucho más económico y, aunque sin lujos, limpio y alegre, sin nada que envidiarle a otros lugares con más estrellas en la hostelería. Un poco más tarde, le enseñé Segovia hasta extenuarla. Era la primera vez que visitaba esa hermosa ciudad castellana. Sobre todo, recuerdo el tranquilo atardecer en la Alameda, las campanas del Monasterio del Parral y St. Stephen's Tower in the poplars shaped like a lighthouse late Romanesque.

was the next day when Edurne told me about his life, his absolute solitude, the disappearance of his family from his exile in Madrid and his lifelong yearning for San Sebastian, the Donostia. On Sunday evening returned with me to Madrid. She had come to Segovia by train and offered to return to my vehicle, he accepted with undisguised joy.

continue seeing, always at his request, and within days, he moved with his stuff to my house. "So avoid paying double rent," he said. But no longer paid twice, but an inestimable amount in that was not subject to review, I was. I paid the price for breaking my privacy. From little I used to beg him to Edurne a glimmer of solitude, a few crumbs of silence. She talked and talked, to the point that in some moments I thought that I was confused with a psychoanalyst.

At eleven and five, entered the province of Burgos. Edurne asked if I wanted to deviate from Aranda de Duero. I told him that for me, it was not necessary.

"It's a beautiful day," agreed smiling.


–Vas muy callada.


–¿En qué?

–No..., no es exacto. No pienso. Miro el paisaje.

–Para lo bonito aún queda. Ya verás, ya verás que el Norte es otra cosa.

Sonrió feliz. Estaba resplandeciente: iba a su tierra e iba conmigo. La notaba ansiosa por enseñarme su mar, sus montañas, sus rincones.

–Y la luz, no puedo olvidarme de decirte que te fijes en la luz –siguió–. No existe otra que la iguale.

Pensaba en la pretendida soledad de Edurne. Se proclamaba sola, pero creo que nunca lo ha estado, al menos del modo en que yo estoy sola: en medio de todos, la soledad como una isla, como un lenguaje no entendido y que cada cual interpreta según sus intereses o aspiraciones. Aspiraciones... La manía de tener aspiraciones con los demás. Un modo de cumplirse en un espejo. Te hacen y no consienten en admitirte tal cual eres, sino como ellos te ven.

–Burgos –anunció Edurne.

–Sí, Burgos –corroboré.

Eran las doce. No se desviaba por Burgos, como hubiera sido mi deseo. Estaba ansiosa por llegar a su tierra y ya ni me preguntaba. Aceleró con ganas.

–Así da gusto, ¿no te parece? Nada hay mejor que las autopistas.


Íbamos por la autopista, en dirección a Vitoria y Bilbao. Nada mejor que una autopista para comprobar cómo se desvanece el tiempo y cómo éste desvanece los paisajes inamovibles.

–¿Vas bien? –me preguntó afirmando.


Y aunque fuera mal... No, con sus decisiones no se podían gastar bromas y, menos aún, contradecirlas. Distinto, muy distinto es que ella no pidiera mi opinión. Se supone que o no la tenía o era la suya. Algo tarde iba a averiguar que yo era libre, que podía poner fin a una relación que me parecía absurda y unilateral. ¿Relación? ¿Acaso nuestra pretendida amistad admitía el nombre de relación?

El cielo se nubló íntegramente conforme engullíamos kilómetros. Las montañas se alzaban a nuestro alrededor como sombras al acecho.

–Provincia de Álava. Ciento sesenta y un kilómetros Donostia. Well! Yelled full of euphoria.

At 0:40, we left the highway. Then, everything was green. The mountains with peaks ranging ghostly, full of fog.

At 0:50, we come in Victoria. I did not mind stretching your legs, so I said:

- We stopped for a drink?

- Bah! In the second we arrived at San Sebastian.

was useless, useless to remind him his despotism. Could test the game and yes orphan I was not willing to take it any longer. The little game of helplessness, with mournful eyes and trembling voice ... What a way to deal with misfortune! And often those who do trickery. They take advantage of the noble sentiments of others. It is shameful to see how you come away with pretending that weak and disadvantaged.

"You see, the landscape is quite different from the center," he announced proudly.

were crossing a valley full of greenery, with villages scattered as gray clouds. The mountains were high, with a halo of mist almost to the bottom of the skirt. Still covered.

"It's beautiful," I noted.

"This is a world apart.

Apart ... Everything was beyond him ... and better. It closed at the touch of other worlds, other beings. She and the rest. She was separate. Apart from others, with their silly foibles of emotion, with their feigned enjoyment. She was apart because they felt this was not living, not hooked any feeling or any human knowledge.

drizzle was falling. We drove down the mountains with trees thin and dry (do not know the name of the same, in the cities we lose nombres de la naturaleza).

–¡Guipúzcoa! –entonó Edurne a la una y treinta y dos minutos–. ¡Guipúzcoa! –repitió.

–Sí, mujer, ya.

–El río Oria. ¿Tienes hambre?

–Sí –respondí.

–Ya verás lo que es comer en mi tierra. Una delicia, ya lo verás.

Los pueblos se sucedieron, apenas separados entre sí, por la cuenca del río Oria. Pueblos industriales que siempre asociaré con fog and humidity, with the green hills of home guards.

A quarter past two we entered San Sebastian.

- Finally! Finally! Edurne cried.

parked very close to La Concha and, out of the car, I told Edurne:

"And now, every one by his side. Do not stand another minute, do you hear?

I looked confused, as if it were subject to misunderstanding.

"Do not look. I no longer soft. Give me the keys to my car and get lost. Find someone to stun your inconsistency.

"Please ...

- That outta once! Now, remove your things from my car!

Edurne picked up his suitcase and left without saying a word.

I spent the weekend alone, walking and admiring the beauty of San Sebastian. I thought I would not mind living in a city so completely, with its mountains, with its sea, with its island, with its river, with its wide avenues, with its charming old quarter, with its bay as the dispenser of pleasure. When he arrived on Sunday night, I felt early nostalgia for leaving all the beauty landscape that had fed my spirit and calmed my spirits.

Camino de Madrid, Edurne remembered me, his love for San Sebastian. I felt something akin to nostalgia. I doubted my decision on cutting it. Edurne was that paradise was the life he could not be so poisoned.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ranchking Snowblower Starter


Well, who does not like chocolate? I love, lol ... well a few days ago, well several days, rather, I made pies with polymer clay and I were very tasty good no? hehe ... chocolate with orange, ummmmmmmm ¡¡¡.... and cream, .. must be delicious, do not you think?
good had not mounted and I was thinking about how, in the end I think I have been very original, fitted with these rims, I think it has been different from what you see out there ,.... a encantaaaaaaa me and then tell me if you like chocolate orange .. haha \u200b\u200b.... good and this one below is more chocolate but is a preview of the next thing I can show you, lol

hehe ... how bad I am, haha \u200b\u200b... kisses strawberry ...

Homemade Rca To Headphone


Tsunami in Japan
(Image taken from the Internet)

Once again, a March 11
brings bad news, images of tragedy
fear and trembling stand
as the only way
to live in the world.

Once again, nature spirits
harvest and warns us
of his supremacy, his height
of his anger overflowed,
of overwhelming anger.

man reflects on his life
about your useless pride,
on its small helpless
about their impotence against
infinite infinity lashing.

Once again, we cried
mud and sludge,
lives severed, killer energy
threaten our line.

Again, sorry
lack, penury
not be a dream
scattered and weak, just a pen
at the mercy of the fierce winds,
just a random breath falter
at the whim of earthquakes just
microscopic footprint in the long history of the universe.

hide his face ruefully.
We are not gods, although
much pride and interest both spurious
destroy us without mercy
do not first tortured land, resources
justice absent.

Again, shut up.
Inside awareness, humility
may achieve
point out the road.

From "The End"

Sunday, March 13, 2011

How Much Does Lybrel Birth Control Cost

Hi, well, this month in the forum, set out to do something for the kitchen, and of course me with the stress of the carnival barely arrived, at the last minute, send my work, it at home are always rolling bags everywhere and I saw at a craft store this wood container and said it would be cute in my kitchen painted so I get to work, and I took the sandpaper to sanding well, then two coats of sealer, and two ivory-tone paint, and think that drawing ,.... hehe, as the wall of my kitchen has fruit, I like the idea of \u200b\u200bpainting bunches of grapes, so I took pencil and do bunches here and there, all joined by the sticks, ... and then good brushes and paint, ... as you see I put two pictures because the picture is different on all sides of the box of bags, is painted with oils ,....
and finally aging a bit, because my kitchen is wooden, and I liked better and then a little varnish to protect it, and therein is the result, I I liked it and are already stored my bags ,.... jeje

and here all the jobs that have been presented, as always Ade made the collage, with all photos, all work Chulis , that if?
and I have received the prize draw to win Evelyn, look how many things

plus some buttons, which I forgot to, but you can look at your blog
and these gifts from Lola, I did not expect, a beautiful scarf in shades of ivory, which I love and these Telitas

many thanks, kisses

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Helena Bonhamcarter Beating

"logic" by Edward Hopper

Nobody in the place knew his name, but any of the neighbors was able to describe in detail the color of his hair, height acrobat their stilettos, the voluptuous trail of perfume or leaving the study in view of her cleavage opening. The rest of the personal circumstances of that stranger was a mystery to everyone. Neither they looked to the eyes and she struck up a conversation with anyone, not receiving letters and their habits were methodical and fixed: a casual stroll in the morning, during which took the opportunity to stock up on food, and a latte at sunset on the terrace bar, nothing special if not for their appearance always groomed to run these events so simple. The gossip about his person were continuous, though she did not give fuel to the gossip with his ascetic life.

During a windy afternoon, sipping your latte at the bar on the esplanade, a boy approached him and, without looking at her straight in the eye, called Star.

- Star? -Was surprised, amused at those eyes full of innocence and warmth.

"For me, it is your name, ma'am. You shine like a star in the night.

The stranger started a conversation with the little to the astonishment of all the bar patrons. On leaving the bath the child's father, took him by the arm and rudely turned away from the woman as she scolded and warned against the dangers of evil hidden in beautiful packaging.

When the woman returned home, he recalled the innocence of the child and thought her life could still straighten.

Saying Farewell With Rhyming Sayings


such Hello? and the party is over, haha, well I was tired, but we've had great, have been the 2 nd in the parade, and we are very happy .. well this is me, before leaving to march, with all involved we left one hour later than the time it starts, a total of 4 hours of parade on Sunday and Tuesday, I see the necklace and earrings I made for all, lol here when we started us at the beginning the parade, we is giving back, with dancing, a balloon is behind where the children were assembled and behind the hearse, the circus, ... if you want to see any more, pinchais on my facebook, there are some more pictures ... . what do you think, as we were??
good, and now I bring you something else, a pouch for Lucia, as all the love Kitty and her purse with Kitty, as a girl of 2 years, her small purse with a zipper up so do not miss anything, and his initial cord, to be different from what's out there, I gave the kitten a yoyo flower, gingham, and a heart fieltreable wool, which made of two colors, and the result is mono, not it??

good and this headset was a commission that I did, wanted the colors that could not find the tapes, so we finally decided it had been very white and thin, no?. ..

this is all good, you know Pass through facebook, which I'll post more pics,, chao

Thursday, March 3, 2011

New Kates Playground Set Free


Carnival, carnival, carnival quieroooo you, lala, la, larala, the, in the world .... lol ... well enteroooo a day to glue the chupinazo the holidays, here and in many places, my COQUETA could not be less and put on his costume, hehe .. well she is very vain and you know, and did not want to conceal anything, NO WANTED TO SUIT YOUR REGIONAL insisted that .. look, get one that you are very beautiful with anything, and her stubborn, NOT, for there I vito many dolls faller, Andalusian, etc. ... BUT And since my flirtatious ????, EXTREMEÑA was right, had to wear the suit here, as you know there are two provinces, haha, Caceres and Badajoz, the costume is a petticoat his handkerchief, apron etc, of each village Extremadura has a different touch but overall they are all beautiful, with her embroidery and lace .... so here's my COQUETA, underskirt, lace apron with its black, its faldiquera, which is that? the lateral green purse that was used to carry a handkerchief or a little money, a handkerchief and below that are so pretty scarf around his neck filled with lace and ribbons, small, and on top of me says I have to do a bow with her golden ball brackets and dangling earrings,,,, and I atacaaaaaaaaa, but this girl drives me crazy

and now behind, so you can see me SIGUEMEPOYO did put up ,.... it is not know?? as the green ribbon, is placed above the tissue haha, what a name not?? , This costume is beautiful, my mother always wore carnival and I clear this small, I hated it, I wanted a princess, Seville, haha, but now I like a lot, because I put him strut, if not, I placed him, haha \u200b\u200b... well I hope you enjoy, HAPPY CARNIVAL

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How To Have Lacrosse Tilt


Erechtheum details on the Acropolis, Athens.
(Photo by Isabel Martínez Barquero)

We traveled along the corners of being,
the corners of ineffable disgust.

And there is nothing that calms us
in terrible times.

The pain of life no known cure.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Design My Wedding Gown Online Free


Bueno and get another week to my stress, which on Friday began the carnival and we are finishing off all to the parade, how bad it gets damaged over time, as always rain, haha, I have assumed, wet parade to the bone, but no one goes, here it is not stopped ever ... I show a good snack bag, which I did to Irene, the love Kitty, so with the cat in the bag and that will not get lost with your name, carrying flowers and buttons fimo to me like it already it much more, jjajaja .. what do you think? is not cute? and now, well I have ordered a pendant and earrings, is good, not many, but here I show you around, and more focused, are aluminum, and had to be blue silver, the pendants are adjustable you can wear shortie and long, as more like
and here, all together ... haha, we will go much the same, hehe, you will say and that all the same good is a custom of girls my rock, all to the parade, along with the costume, and how it has to go short, then adjust the cord and already ...

good that can then be used later, it is not just for that ... but I wonder chivéis that ... no one knows only the good of the rock .... if you come to the carnival on Sunday and will see me marching, the carry that post, haha \u200b\u200b... kisses