Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How Do You Make A Moonstone Ring In M

Kokeshis LIKE? MAS

such week, cold and foggy here, well today I bring you something new, several months ago I was trying to get these figures of wood, and nothing impossible, my friend Dawn in Madrid and looking for either, and I finally got it, and I have at home a few months ago, and I finally decided to paint one, this hand-painted front and back, with the face of my COQUETA, what do you think? I'm going to call KOKESHISTINAS, ha, ha ... this is the first of all I am going to teach and I hope you like encarguéis many, ha ha ... looks nice, I love them like red I like and I read that causes feeling when you go red, then red, has an aluminum bag, ha ha and now has given me to make jewelry with, and a hit like aluminum in pale pink tone,

here's another photo, I hope your comments and suggestions, if you like, otherwise if you want some special model, well I hope, pass good week, kisses


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