Friday, April 29, 2011

Body Waxing Men Ottawa


Thursday, April 28, 2011

When Does Chicken Broth In The Can Expire


Picos de Europa
(Photo by Isabel Martínez Barquero)

looked at the mountain again. He was fascinated by your profile challenging, but powerless to scale it back. Not that the years he had passed the bill in their lungs or legs. Neither was it a sudden fear of the unknown. Could not name which kept him paralyzed, but I chewed constantly. The sensation was strange and gave him a sweet dizziness, lethargy which was not intended to reside, a lethargy that rocked him like the most authentic of their seats. Undoubtedly, the movement had ceased to be a word to use in the landscape of his will.

Monday, April 25, 2011

How To Keep Shoes From Slipping


Bueno Easter we had, came here not even a procession yesterday's good yes, but the other all in the church by the rain, what a shame not? good today I bring to my second big COQUETA model, you remember the red? .. Because this is more spring, haha, your skirt of flowers do you think? Why I will call COQUETTE SPRING .. is that the other was left lonely and wanted a friend, and begged me, take some time, because they have a lot of work, but when he saw it was crazy to jump and I I love my friend said and the truth that is beautiful, lol ... I know I forgot your lollipop, do not believe, because you know you are a greedy COQUETA JEJE .. ,.... ... and is that the lollipop can be put on ball in any part or even the new owner can take a while her lollipop pinned on the shirt she leaves for a while ... which is very good .... ...

is a copycat and as I said I would also like flying picture with the dress, haha \u200b\u200band that is she showing her underwear, haha, please tell him something, which I do not listen to me haha

you think good, give me your opinion, what is so crazy to see what you think about it ,.... jeje chao

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ikusa Valkyrie Suvia Online


few days I've been strangers, winged and calmly. On the one hand, my inner activity is fertile and not to quiet my mind, but the body I have Flounder and reluctant to stress. Split between the good will and laziness are not deserve my thirst for chores, going from one corner to another computer screen bouncing.

The cause of this state full of paradoxes, this divorce between desires and outcomes, has a virus. You know that this modern design to any tiny organism can topple giants for days. If you flatten a burly beings, beings much more of complexions smaller and spindly, like the natural gave me.

When I learned the existence of the virus do not see but I feel in every movement of his head, since a virus is prone to fainting, perhaps dust in the recent reinterpretation of a great nineteenth-century novel, I breathed quietly as if his visit would give my body permission to remain in an armchair with languid gestures accompanied by a good volume (just in case, I took one published in this century, with two minutes sickness I have enough after my pace by the nineteenth century).

Amid the calm that only se mueve para salir de estampida a la habitación más privada de cualquier casa, he recordado que estamos en una semana especial: festiva y viajera para muchos y de pasión y hondura religiosa para otros. Sea cual sea la respetable postura de cada uno, a todos mis mejores deseos en estos días.

Cuando haya vencido al enemigo, también saldré con gusto. Aunque llueva, las procesiones y las fiestas de primavera de Murcia me llaman con su color y alegría.

Que tengáis un feliz descanso y disfrutéis de esta tregua en la inercia cotidiana. Y, una vez más: gracias por vuestros comentarios, que tanto me emocionan; y por vuestro apoyo, que tanto me estimula.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Rodeo Theme Invitation Template

VA ..

Hello, that such holidays have started, I with the child with fever, which start well, .. well in 1st place because I say disappeared, I had the computer repair shop, hehe .. and finally came back, and then I was preparing things for my first fair, this weekend I went to two shows one on Saturday and one on Sunday, initially very nervous because I did not know this was coming, but I've done well, man with the crisis, people look for things cheapie, and goes to the posts of those who have dropped in price, but you like yours, but good in the end I sold a lot, and I'm excited and ready to return, hehe .. .. this month proposed to make jewelry forum, is to say something about jewels, and here is all we have done all that is cool? are the best I did two things, lack of haha ... this pearl necklace, river, and the closure is a cameo which I have drawn, is a rose, I have more drawings but what is I have no time haha \u200b\u200b... it's a short suspension, to look for This Summer's cleavage ... and is very cute place, I like my first cameo? is drawn with the computer, is a bit difficult because the pen is not going to where you want, haha \u200b\u200bbut everything is practice,
good and then I did this little box of sand, and dyed, and tin, put My initial, M, and
corners will also put an ornament with tin, and is not it beautiful? " and that's all for now, but I have many new features and will be putting, and you start to see little by little I've been late to all, kisses and happy Easter

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Things To Write In A Best Friend's Wedding Card


Francisco Javier Illán Vivas y Fulgencio Martínez, co-directores de la revista "Ágora"

Como para muchos, para mí las revistas literarias tienen un encanto especial. Soy consciente de la gran labor que desempeñan en el apoyo a los autores, así como de la inmensa dedicación que exigen a quienes las impulsan de forma altruista sin desfallecer en su fe.

“Ágora, papeles de arte gramático” es una revista literaria que me gusta y a la que me siento ligada de una manera especial por hacerse en mi tierra. Se realiza en Murcia gracias al esfuerzo entusiasta de un grupo de amantes de la literatura. Es una revista abierta, rigurosa y muy amena. Recomiendo que visitéis su página, donde, además, podréis descargaros la revista de forma gratuita. Este es su enlace: .

Ayer tuve el placer de asistir al acto de presentación de la revista correspondiente a la primavera de 2011, número antológico de los digitales 20, 21, 22 y 23 de la misma ( ; ;  ).

Aunque los últimos números se suelen publicar en formato digital, a sus promotores les gusta sacar cada poco una revista en papel, sentir su tacto y su olor, y es que los amantes de la lectura conservamos el apego romántico a la clásica imprenta.

Tras el acto de presentación, tuve una sorpresa, ya que fui invitada por los co-directores de la revista –Francisco Javier Illán Vivas y Fulgencio Martínez– a recitar un poema mío que publicaron en el número 21 ( ).

Aún me tiemblan las piernas, pero fue una experiencia muy enriquecedora.

Gracias, Francisco; gracias, Fulgencio; gracias, Ágora.


El poema recitado es the following:

Tonight is the time
and extends
blind caress her shoulders
that stranded and confused,
weight curve of the doubt.

Time ...
that bleeds acid and bristling fur
devours the sun and beauty, which moves
seeds in echoes without a destination, which transforms
future litter layers.

rest is a thief dressed in efficiency.
is a vice that is tied to the weak column.
hopes to forge and stretch goals
tiredness that do not exist.
and works tirelessly and skins of boredom
corners of cruelty draw date. And empty
's pupils
first astonishment and pours misery of knowing this.

Time ...
Rough, rough, if you look

could not bear his image in the gestures.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Vacuum Seal Using Ordinary Plastic Bags

COQUETA ... And ERA ???-.....

Hello, you bring such week, tomorrow and Friday, the week will fly, lol ... keep doing warmth eh? computer .. well I have the fatal, in the end I'm running out .. good to see you leave me to the entrance ... today I bring you a flirt who have commissioned me .. the first, a pert Segovia, well when I said they did one, had no idea how it was his costume, sent me some pictures of the suit, and this is the result .. I have said he loved it, so I happy ... hehe ... biggest flirt Well then Extremadura, really liked this with the petticoat green, and red his pocket, to this beautiful?
and here behind, with his blue siguemepollo ,.....( loop) jeje
and you're like the first one did, with the red petticoat, one ahead and one behind, so that you see well, are all in their new homes, and who have tasted a lot
so I keep doing stuff and more stuff, ... Have a great weekend ....

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Lincoln Ls Has A Stutter In It


few days ago I reported that a short story of mine has been selected for publication by the editorial hypallage in an anthology of this kind, entitled "Friends Forever", composed of over three hundred microstories of the nearly nine presented the Award of fiction in Category I summoned by that editorial. This book will be printed and will be available from next week.
could not bear not to share the news with you all. Thank you for your continued support, which both excites me.
The book's cover is as follows:

And the short story: THE SHORT

never had problems and relationships with fellow were fluid and joyous, but my life changed when I graduated in sight. When I showed up for class with glasses, my charisma is evaporated as if by magic. Almost everyone scoffed at my expense and I felt for the first time the unfair whip de la vergüenza.

Durante el recreo, me dejaron solo, aislado en mi interior, de pronto triste y filósofo. Cabizbajo, no lo sentí acercarse. Siempre había sido un chico muy callado, un tímido en quien nunca reparé y a quien nunca me interesó tenerlo como colega.

–¿Quieres que juguemos? –me preguntó desde su voz apocada y su mirada tierna.

–Es que llevo gafas.

–No importa. Todos somos cortos en algo: tú de vista y yo de palabras.

–Pues juguemos –concedí with joy, suddenly aware of the great merit of this being that both had ignored.

Since that day, we became inseparable and, above all, I learned that friendship does not make good on the outside of people. The shorts can go far.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

How To Create Something Like Poptropica

Lollipop COQUETA

Well it's Saturday, and this has worsened a little time, come the weekend and cool, haha \u200b\u200b... it seems that doing it on purpose, haha \u200b\u200b.. . well I have Internet fatal at the end I am without a computer, because they will have to go to repair, at this rate, why not spend a lot for your blog, I try eh ¡¡¡... I ask forgiveness for not visit you a lot .. good and now I show it was good progress, well I think only a lollipop Daiana said, haha \u200b\u200b... SIIIII is my new COQUETA Lollipop, jjajaja .... what you think eh? here with his chain worn round, takes his lollipop flower, and the head does not look very good but it takes hit lollipop, too ..
and is flirting blue lollipop goes well with blue headdress and ornamental aluminum in aluminum lollipop
and one, haha, I library, haha \u200b\u200b... in purple, her hair is different instead of snails, well they are all different, and tiny, I made these pendants but will in brooches, or in other ways and see, haha \u200b\u200b
good you think of my new girls? are not sweet? good pass over good Sunday, BESOS