Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ikusa Valkyrie Suvia Online


few days I've been strangers, winged and calmly. On the one hand, my inner activity is fertile and not to quiet my mind, but the body I have Flounder and reluctant to stress. Split between the good will and laziness are not deserve my thirst for chores, going from one corner to another computer screen bouncing.

The cause of this state full of paradoxes, this divorce between desires and outcomes, has a virus. You know that this modern design to any tiny organism can topple giants for days. If you flatten a burly beings, beings much more of complexions smaller and spindly, like the natural gave me.

When I learned the existence of the virus do not see but I feel in every movement of his head, since a virus is prone to fainting, perhaps dust in the recent reinterpretation of a great nineteenth-century novel, I breathed quietly as if his visit would give my body permission to remain in an armchair with languid gestures accompanied by a good volume (just in case, I took one published in this century, with two minutes sickness I have enough after my pace by the nineteenth century).

Amid the calm that only se mueve para salir de estampida a la habitación más privada de cualquier casa, he recordado que estamos en una semana especial: festiva y viajera para muchos y de pasión y hondura religiosa para otros. Sea cual sea la respetable postura de cada uno, a todos mis mejores deseos en estos días.

Cuando haya vencido al enemigo, también saldré con gusto. Aunque llueva, las procesiones y las fiestas de primavera de Murcia me llaman con su color y alegría.

Que tengáis un feliz descanso y disfrutéis de esta tregua en la inercia cotidiana. Y, una vez más: gracias por vuestros comentarios, que tanto me emocionan; y por vuestro apoyo, que tanto me estimula.


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